Am I get paid for time or value?

Thabet Mabrouk
2 min readDec 4, 2020


The answer is simple, you get paid for the value not for the time. Let me explain …

Did you ask yourself “why would one person be paid 2000 € and another 4000 € a month when they are both work for the same company, handle the same product, work the same number of years and come for the same background?

Why would one person make twice as well economically?

You could answer it is a matter of time and you say I need extra time to make extra money. Then I realized that I need to forget about having more time. There isn’t any more time, we can’t have more than twenty-four hours in one day.

So if you can’t have more time, what could you create that would make the difference in economics results? The answer is “VALUE”. You can never create more time but you can be more valuable.

Mistakenly people say we I get paid 100 euro / hours, but that’s not true. If it were true, he could stay at home and have them send over the money.

The reality is that he doesn’t get paid 100 euro for the hour. He gets paid 100 euro for the value which have been placed on the hour he works.

Time is the most precious commodity we have. Focus on more productivity per hour instead of putting in more hours.

Keep in mind :

“Either you run the day or the day runs you.” — Jim Rohn.



Thabet Mabrouk

Passionate about applying agile and design mindsets to solve business challenges and innovate