How do I found the courage to share my ideas?

Thabet Mabrouk
2 min readDec 9, 2020

A lot of us lived a situation where we got an idea and delayed its implementation for the reason of having the fear to share it and get stolen by others.

We feel really vulnerable when it comes to sharing our ideas. That’s feeling is totally normal and experienced by the most seasoned entrepreneurs and designers.

You can start with a friendly audience that you trust, if you are actually afraid to share your ideas, start with people who love you who will be kind of gentle giving you feedback.

You can pretend it is a friend’s idea and just be asking for a friend. Some will tell you that this idea is crazy and would never work, you can preface it by, hey, I think this is crazy, but we just love to know your thoughts.

keep in mind that Execution is everything : The popular opinion is that an idea is worthless. It’s how you make the ideas happen that actually matters.

Gary Vaynerchuk says: “Ideas are shit, execution is the game.”

Seth Godin also said: “Ideas die in secret”

So if you keep your idea in your head, it will just sit there dormant. On the other hand, if you share your idea, you put it perhaps at risk of being stolen.

Between these 2 approaches, we need to find a way to share and avoid that the idea get stolen. The Timing is very important here. When to share and what to share.

We should all be free to share our early ideas. It’s the only way they will come to life and grow.

However, when you start developing plans and executing on your idea, begin keeping your work closer to your chest. Remember share early, not later, and share your ideas, not your plans.

It is sometimes really hard to share your ideas, but I would really encourage you to share as much as you can in early stages, because that really quick sort of first reaction feedback you get and this going really helps you shape whatever you have now into something better.



Thabet Mabrouk

Passionate about applying agile and design mindsets to solve business challenges and innovate